
Local contractors seek past due payments from VB apartment complex

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WAVY) — Some local contractors say they have yet to be paid and are owed thousands of dollars from a Hampton Roads property management company after completing requested work at a Virginia Beach apartment complex.

“$7,200 is what they owe us, they just won’t pay,” said ABB Services owner Mark Ellis.

Ellis said he has invoices that show work completed by his contracting company, ABB Services, at Dove Landing Apartments between May and July. He said he was contracted to refinish bath tubs, and after the job was complete, he ran into an issue.

“A refusal of payment, it doesn’t make sense,” Ellis said.

Ellis said he has done work at this complex for many years, but after a switch in owners, things have gone south. Dove Landing is now owned by KEV Property Management.

“When I ask for contact numbers — ‘Can I speak to the upper management?’ — I can’t get any phone numbers, ” Ellis said.

After 10 On Your Side tried contacting KEV Property Management, Chris Daughtry, an attorney representing Dove Landing Apartments, gave us a call.

“Well, the issue as I understand it with that particular contractor is we recently bought that property,” Daughtry said. A news release dated Jan. 19, 2024 on KEV Property Management’s website announces its purchase of Dove Landing.

Daughtry said that, to his knowledge, the work was completed under the previous property management, so that company would be responsible to pay, and not his client. Ellis claims his work was done in agreement with KEV Property Management.

“What it boils down to in this case is he did some work we don’t think we authorized,” Daughtry said.

Ellis said he’s not sure what contractors, if any, have been paid by this company.

“I have a list of other contractors the small guys like me that have been defrauded,” Ellis said.

“We never received payment,” said Scott Inclema of Premier Painting LLC. “Right at $10,000.”

Incelma said he completed paint jobs, but received no compensation.

“I’ve heard from a lot of other contractors that I spoke to that this really hurt them,” Inclema said.

Said Ellis: “We genuinely put our heart in all the work we did and they just won’t pay for it, and it’s just not right.”

Both contractors said they are moving forward with legal action, but Dove Landing’s attorney said it wants to resolve the matter.