Norfolk Police Department hosting 3rd Meet the Chief event July 24

NORFOLK, Va. (WAVY) – Norfolk Police Chief Mark Talbot is on a tour to meet the community he’s protecting and will be hosting his third Meet the Chief event Monday.

The chief’s focus of the community meeting is on crime in Ward 2 and Superward 6. Talbot says the work is done outside his office, so he wants to hear from the community about how the department can do better.

“Show us where we’re falling short. Let us take on the bigger challenge,” Chief Talbot said during one of his previous community meetings. ” The last thing that you need is a police department that doesn’t even believe that we can make a difference in the city.”

During previous community meetings, Talbot discussed 10 plans he has for the department. Some of those plans include taking responsibility for crime and quality of life conditions, holding officers accountable, and controlling the one percent of offenders who are life-threatening.

Talbot could also speak about the real-time crime center that is expected to be up and running by this fall. It would allow non-stop surveillance of activity around town. It would allow non-stop surveillance of activity around town.

As of last month, homicides were down 41% across the city compared to last.

Car thefts have risen by 30 percent in the city and to help combat that issue the department has given away more than a hundred steering wheel locks this year for Hyundai and Kia owners.

The event will take place at 6 p.m. at Lambert’s Point Community Center.