Chesapeake Bay & Western Model Railroad celebrates 50 years with open house this weekend

GRAFTON, Va. (WAVY) – There are several different railroads operating in Hampton Roads but not many can say they’ve had the same name for 50 years.

The Chesapeake Bay & Western Railroad can. They can also guarantee you’ve never had to wait for them at a rail crossing. That’s because the CB&W is a model railroad.

This weekend the club’s more than 90 members invite you to come see their playground.

Launched in 1973 with just roughly 30 members at the former Grafton Hobby Shop, the HO track now totals more than 2,000 feet and takes up two levels at a building near the corner of Dare Road and Route 17.

If you would like to see the railroad, the open house runs on July 22 and 23.