Mary Ellen Bebermeyer is a candidate for Smithfield Town Council. Her name will appear on the ballot on November 5, 2024.
Bebermeyer is running against four challengers for Smithfield Town Council.
The first day of in-person early voting at your local registrar’s office for this election is Friday, Sept. 20, 2024. Click here to see who is on your ballot.
10 On Your Side reached out to all of the candidates running in this race, with a request for a bio and a list of questions to answer. If you do not see the candidate listed with a profile, we did not receive one.
Name: Mary Ellen Bebermeyer
Age: 59
Biography: I have lived in Smithfield for over 22 years. I am a wife, a mother and a concerned citizen which is why I am running for Smithfield Town Council. I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and Journalism from the University of Wisconsin–Madison. My husband and I have raised our five children in Smithfield, and I want to make sure that the Smithfield we know, and love is preserved for everyone’s children and grandchildren.
Why are you running for this office?
I am running for Town Council because I love Smithfield! We have wonderful, caring people who make our town special. I want to help ensure that all citizens feel represented by their Town Council; citizens’ concerns should be respected, listened to and addressed, not ignored.
We need to support our small businesses in Smithfield and not overburden them with excess regulations and costs. Taxpayer money should not be used to subsidize private development; so-called “public-private partnerships” usually cost the “public” too much money. Openness and transparency are a must when it comes to all levels of government.
What is your view on growth management in your community?
I am concerned about excessive growth that has already contributed to traffic problems in and around Smithfield; high-density housing developments impact our fire, rescue and police departments, as well as schools. Our current infrastructure can’t handle the many developments that are already approved for Smithfield. I am in favor of small, targeted commercial development that could bring goods and services to Smithfield, as well as jobs.
What is your view on taking money from individuals who will likely have business before the city?
I am not taking money from anyone for my campaign, so this is not a concern. I will treat everyone fairly and with respect, regardless of their financial status.
How will you still value constituents with whom you disagree with?
I value all constituents, even those with whom I may disagree with. Building honest and trustworthy relationships help citizens work together even though there may be disagreements. I think most citizens want what is best for their community, but they may have a different way to achieve their goals. Respectful and courteous discussions can lead to projects and issues where we can find common ground.