Hampton Clean City Commission offers free cigarette butler to eliminate waste

The Hampton Clean City Commission is dedicated to eliminating cigarette butt waste. https://www.wavy.com/news/local-news/hampton/hampton-clean-city-commission-offers-free-cigarette-butler-to-eliminate-waste/

Hampton Clean City Commission offers free cigarette …

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The Hampton Clean City Commission is dedicated to eliminating cigarette butt waste. https://www.wavy.com/news/local-news/hampton/hampton-clean-city-commission-offers-free-cigarette-butler-to-eliminate-waste/

Norfolk Police respond to stabbing on E. Brambleton …

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The Norfolk Police Department responded to a stabbing on Brambleton Avenue Wednesday night. https://www.wavy.com/news/local-news/norfolk/norfolk-police-respond-to-stabbing-on-e-brambleton-ave/

Chowan County emergency responders to conduct training …

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Emergency responders from Chowan County will be conducting a training exercise Thursday night. https://www.wavy.com/news/north-carolina/chowan-county-emergency-responders-to-conduct-training-exercise-in-edenton/

Fans, businesses excited for MEAC tournament

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Fans and businesses are excited for the MEAC basketball tournament taking place at Norfolk's Scope Arena. The tournament began Wednesday and continues through Saturday.

Official: Broadway Nightclub fire was arson

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Norfolk Fire-Rescue is working a fire at the Broadway Nightclub as "an arson incident, according to Battalion Chief and Public Information Officer Glen Williams.

Portsmouth athlete charged after baton strike

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The Portsmouth NAACP has come to the defense of a Portsmouth athlete who faces an assault and battery charge after an incident during a state-level track meet last week.

‘Gunning’ for top dog in Currituck County

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Local, state and federal officers from law enforcement agencies across North Carolina are gunning to see who's top dog in a four-day competition hosted by the Currituck County Sheriff's Office in conjunction with the North Carolina Tactical Officers Association.

State of the City: Business is booming in VB

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Mayor Bobby Dyer highlighted the business boom in Virginia Beach during an at times emotional State of the City address as he recalled the two Virginia Beach Police officers who were recently shot and killed in the line of duty.


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